Amino Acid Supplements

Protein is crucial to your body – they are needed for enzymes, hormones, antibodies, as transporters, and to provide structure and support.
What are Amino Acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are 20 total, with 8 being essential amino acids (EAA) (meaning they cannot be made by your body, you must consume them) and 12 non-essential amino acids.
How much protein do I need?
Traditional advice is that you should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight if you are sedentary, and 1.2 grams if you are active.
For the average woman weighing 160lbs, she should consume 58-88 grams of protein per day.
For the average man weighing 190lbs, he should consume 95-152 grams of protein per day.
In our clinical opinion, these traditional protein recommendations are too low if you are trying to build lean body mass. We believe that most folks should aim for closer to 1g of protein per pound of body mass goal. So if you are 190lbs, and you want to put on 10lbs of lean muscle mass, you would want to aim for 200g of protein.
For context:
- 8oz steak = 56g of protein
- 12oz steak = 84g
- Chicken breast = 43g
- Salmon filet = 80g
- 1 egg = 6g
Can’t eat all that?
Or to make life simpler and easier: supplement! You can still eat like normal, but supplement with amino acids to make sure your body is getting enough useable protein. Bonus: because amino acids are much more absorbable (because it has already been broken down into protein’s core components), you do not have to take as much as you would regular protein!
For example, just 10g of Fortagen provides as much usable protein as 50g of whey.
That’s because whey protein is not well-absorbed by the body – only about 18% of it is utilized. Vegetable sources of protein are even worse at 10%.
Additionally, this unused protein passes through your body as nitrogen waste, meaning more than 8 out of every 10 grams of protein powder is not utilized for building and repairing muscle tissue. Not to mention the stress on your kidneys!
The science of amino acids and muscle-building:
In two trials, a combination of amino acids designed for the greatest muscle-building effect were tested. The trials showed lower nitrogen waste than had ever been previously measured.
Also: the trial that measured new muscle development versus control showed 33% greater muscle growth, all while body fat declined.
Studies show EAA supplementation stimulates muscle protein anabolism (muscle growth), even in sedentary elderly adults. The contribution of EAAs in the proper ratios to muscle synthesis cannot be overstated.
Perfect Aminos
“PerfectAmino is pure essential amino acids in a precise form and ratio that is up to 99% utilized by the body to build new protein, muscle and collagen — but without the caloric impact, and without breaking a fast.
It’s also absorbed into the bloodstream within an average of 23-30 minutes, improving endurance, energy levels, and performance during a workout or exercise, and helping to speed recovery.
It is further enhanced with Nucleic Acid Building Blocks (Nucleosides and Nucleotides) to optimize its use within the cell in the creation of new protein and muscle, helping to direct the process of protein synthesis and support genetic health and performance.”
Want to get started?
We sell PerfectAmino products at the office! Give us a call at 978-237-5106 or email us at [email protected] to get started!