
Introducing: X3

Introducing: X3

Introducing: X3 Our mission is to help our patients improve their health. We focus on chiropractic, acupuncture, supplementation, and diet coaching. We can also advise on what is the best mattress, pillow, and even shoes to own, to maximize your health and minimize...

Summer Safety Supplements

Summer Safety Supplements

Summer Safety Supplements Sunlight is good for you, but you still need protection! I don't know about you, but I am thrilled that it is finally sunny and warm! (Well, maybe not today...) However, I have to be very careful because I have the skin-tone of a vampire and...

Germ Theory & Terrain Theory

Germ Theory & Terrain Theory

When it comes to how we get sick, there are two theories: germ theory and terrain theory. (And when I say theory, I mean like how gravity is a theory; not how your aunt twice-removed has a “theory” about microchips in vaccines.) Germ Theory Germ theory is what most of...

Sugar Is Ruining Your Health

Sugar Is Ruining Your Health

We all know that sugar is “bad” for us – but do you know just HOW bad it is for you? Is sugar really ruining your health? Sugar does more than increase your pant size. Sugar can actually damage your entire body. Many of my patients have heard the “Wolverine story” I...

Sugar Detox Challenge: May 2021

Sugar Detox Challenge: May 2021

Welcome to our Sugar Detox Challenge for our annual clean eating contest! The goal: no sugar for one month That's right! No sugar for one whole month! Not sure what to eat? If you choose foods from this list, you will be on track. Sugar can be very sneaky - check out...

How To Boost Your Immune System

How To Boost Your Immune System

There is a lot you can do to boost your immune system. All of them are important, and missing just one part can decrease your immunity significantly. Sleep Sleep is critical! It is the time of the day when you heal and recover. 70% of adults do not get enough rest at...

Innate Versus Acquired/Adaptive Immunity

Innate Versus Acquired/Adaptive Immunity

Innate immunity is the immunity you are born with. It is nonspecific in its response to invaders. This consists of the first and second lines of defense, like the skin and antibacterial substances (enzymes). Acquired or adaptive immunity is the immune system you...

What Exactly Is Your Immune System?

What Exactly Is Your Immune System?

Your immune system is made up of many different parts – both individual cells and proteins as well as organs and organ systems. The cells are things like your White Blood Cells (WBCs) and antibodies are proteins. The organs of your immune system are: skin, lymphatic...

National Nutrition Month: March 2020

National Nutrition Month: March 2020

  March is National Nutrition Month! We all know proper nutrition is critical to good health, but most of us are still deficient. Actually, most Americans are nutritionally deficient – and not just a little bit! The most prevalent deficiencies include:1 Vitamin D...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

  Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has now reached the United States. We are constantly learning more information, so my update is based on what we currently know. Like I said in my January post, there is still no need to panic. Besides, when does panicking...